Key Signs Your Child’s Behaviour Needs Guidance

When your child starts attending school or when they’re growing up, you might notice changes in their behaviour. There might already be an improvement in their social skills, ability to talk and the way they understand situations happening around him. Your child starts to learn a lot– yes, this can bring about positive things to your child, but as a parent, you should also know when these behaviours need guidance.

You should know when and how to differentiate these changes which could either bring a positive or negative impact on your child’s wellbeing. Just because your child is showing changes in their behaviour doesn’t mean that everything is good and beneficial for them. Your responsibility as a parent is to guide them all throughout their lives, and if your child is starting to exhibit any of these behaviours, you should inject that guidance right now:

  1. Is your child disrespectful and often talks back?

When your child was merely learning how to talk, you get happy and proud when they utter a new word whenever you talk to them. You think that your child is slowly learning how to use words to express how they feel about something or someone. However, when your child is now six or seven years old, talking back and being disrespectful is something you shouldn’t be proud of as a parent.

  • If your child is answering you with a loud “no” whenever you tell him to do something, you shouldn’t let this behaviour pass.
  • If you tolerate this, this kind of behaviour might be something that they’ll be accustomed to doing when they get older, and they might have the idea that behaving this way is acceptable.
  1. Is your child using abusive language?

Your child might express their anger in different ways. They might be screaming, crying and shunning away from people whenever they get angry. All of these things are normal when your child is bursting out their anger over something or someone – they’re basically expressing their emotions in an avenue which they think is right.

  • However, take the time to assess if your child is swearing when they’re angry because this behaviour is not normal for a child, especially if people in your household don’t use abusive words.
  • If this has been happening with your child for quite some time now, you might consider finding out where your child was influenced to use this kind of words.
  1. Is your child having aggressive or violent behaviour?

It’s okay for your child to be angry – everybody gets angry once in a while over certain things. However, if your child’s anger pushes him to be aggressive and violent, you know something isn’t right.

  • When your child is inflicting harm to others when they’re angry or when your child is breaking valuables as a release for their anger, as a parent, you should know that these behaviours shouldn’t be tolerated.
  • It doesn’t matter what the gravity of your child’s anger is: when they start hitting, kicking and biting when they’re angry, your child should be stopped right away.
  1. Is your child lying to you?

There are many reasons why your child lies. They might lie because their scared to get scolded or they might lie just to save themselves the stress of explaining himself to you.

Whatever the reasons may be, your child lying is never an indication of positive behaviour. On the contrary, it’s a behaviour that should be corrected, and as a parent, you should do that as early as possible. You don’t want to give the impression that lying is okay.

  1. Is your child bullying others?

You don’t want your child to be bullied because it can bring a lot of psychological and emotional stress to him. In the same manner, you should also not allow your child to bully others because this might be a telltale sign of your child being emotionally and physically abused too. This can also serve as an avenue for your child to resolve any social issues.

Once you notice that your child has been bullying others, talk to them immediately and give them the environment to air out their problems. You might not know that their going through something and just uses bullying to escape all of these.


These are just some of the behaviours you should look out for to determine if your children need guidance. As a parent, you should be observant if your child’s change in behaviour is positive. You should guide your children for them to understand that what they’re doing right now is indeed, wrong and should be corrected.

You don’t want them to bring this kind of behaviour when they’re older as this can create more significant problems in the future. You can always make time for them to ensure that you’re guiding them as a parent.

But if you want a more professional approach to the problem at hand, you can always seek services within your area to help you with your child. VIC Park Psychology offers child counselling sessions which might be suitable and beneficial for your child. Along with your guidance, our services can help provide with the means to help make sure your child will gradually become a better person. Is your child’s behaviour in need of guidance?