Deborah WOOD

Allied Health Practitioner

Professional Experience

Debbie is a qualified Counsellor with five years of training with Edith Cowen University in Counselling, and Psychology Services. Debbie is a member of the Australian Counselling Association.
She is a strong advocate for couples counselling, aware of the disconnect that can take place through a variety of reasons and she strives to help couples overcome these difficulties and to re-establish connections.

Debbie is also passionate about helping people achieve resolutions to life’s challenges through a strength-based approach, focusing on moving forward through exploration and goal setting, particularly in the aging population and also has experience working with adolescence using CBT and goal setting.

For problems based on past experiences, present issues, or for those wishing to set future goals, Debbie provides a non-judgemental, safe environment, and utilised a range of therapies allowing for sessions to be flexible and tailored to individuals to get the best possible outcome.

Qualifications / Registration

  • Diploma of Counselling
  • Bachelor of Psychology and Counselling


Children (14 years+), Adolescents, Adults, Couples and Families.

Issues Debbie Helps With

  • Anger management
  • Anxiety/Panic attacks
  • Confidence
  • Couple/Communication Issues
  • Depression
  • Domestic Violence
  • Grief and Bereavement
  • Health Issues/chronic
  • Parenting
  • Relationships
  • Self-esteem
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Stress management
  • Unresolved Emotional problems
  • Workplace bullying
  • Weight Loss